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Linux is controlled by Redhat,IBM

·820 words·4 mins· loading · loading · ·
Redhat Linux Opensource IBM

I asked Chatgpt4 about Linux and Redhat IBM.

“Systemd, PipeWire, and Wayland are all controlled by Red Hat. The decisions made by Red Hat, as a company, determine the entire software ecosystem of Linux. Such development is unhealthy; many useful software like init, PulseAudio, and X11 have been abandoned and development has ceased.”

ChatGPT 3.5

As an AI language model, I don’t have personal opinions or feelings. However, I can provide some analysis.

The statement expresses concern about the influence of one company, Red Hat, on the direction of the Linux ecosystem. It suggests that the dominance of certain projects controlled by Red Hat, such as systemd, PipeWire, and Wayland, may lead to the abandonment of other useful software like init, PulseAudio, and X11.

From a broader perspective, diversity and competition in the development of software are often seen as positive factors in driving innovation and meeting diverse user needs. When one entity gains significant control over a particular aspect of a software ecosystem, it can potentially limit choices and stifle innovation.

However, it’s essential to consider that different perspectives exist on this matter. Some may argue that centralization under a single entity can lead to better coordination and integration within the ecosystem, potentially resulting in more stable and cohesive software solutions.

Ultimately, discussions around the influence of companies on open-source ecosystems like Linux often touch upon complex considerations of governance, community involvement, and technological evolution.


Indeed, Red Hat plays a crucial role in the Linux ecosystem, especially in the development of projects like systemd, PipeWire, and Wayland. These projects are designed to replace older system components such as init, PulseAudio, and X11, in order to provide more modern and efficient solutions. For example, PipeWire aims to offer lower latency audio/video stream processing while supporting applications like PulseAudio, JACK, ALSA, and GStreamer. Wayland, on the other hand, serves as a replacement for X11, aiming to provide a more secure and streamlined display server protocol.

Although Red Hat’s contributions to these projects are significant, the open-source nature of the Linux ecosystem means that other developers and companies can also participate, improving and branching these projects. This open collaboration is a core feature of the Linux ecosystem, encouraging innovation and allowing for the coexistence of different solutions. While some older software may no longer be actively developed, it’s often because better alternatives have emerged, a natural result of technological progress. The open-source community typically assesses these changes and creates new projects or branches as needed to meet user demands. This development model ensures the diversity and adaptability of the Linux ecosystem.

Do you have any specific thoughts on this topic?


Currently, there isn’t much diversity in the software ecosystem; essentially, the development direction of key software is largely controlled by IBM and Red Hat.

ChatGPT 3.5

As an AI language model, I don’t have personal opinions. However, I can provide an analysis.

The statement raises concerns about the concentration of control over important software development directions within the Linux ecosystem by IBM and Red Hat. Concentration of control in the hands of a few entities can potentially limit diversity, innovation, and competition within the ecosystem. It may also raise questions about the openness and inclusivity of the development process.

However, it’s essential to note that the Linux ecosystem is vast and dynamic, with contributions from a wide range of individuals, companies, and organizations. While certain companies like IBM and Red Hat may have significant influence, the open-source nature of Linux means that anyone can contribute to its development and create alternatives to existing solutions.

Moreover, the open-source community often values transparency, collaboration, and meritocracy, which can help mitigate concerns about monopolistic control. Additionally, efforts to promote diversity, inclusion, and decentralization within the Linux community continue to be important focal points.

Ultimately, while concentration of control by certain entities may present challenges, the Linux ecosystem’s resilience, adaptability, and commitment to open principles often allow it to navigate and address such concerns over time.


I understand your concerns. Indeed, IBM and Red Hat have played important roles in the Linux ecosystem, particularly in driving the development of certain key technologies. For example, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) is a leading enterprise-grade Linux platform serving businesses globally, with a collaboration with IBM spanning nearly two decades. Additionally, IBM’s acquisition has strengthened Red Hat’s influence in the Linux and open-source domains.

However, the open-source nature of Linux means that many different individuals and organizations can freely contribute to and influence its development. While IBM and Red Hat have made significant contributions to certain projects, the entire community remains actively engaged in numerous different initiatives, helping to maintain the diversity of the ecosystem. The Linux community encourages innovation and diversity, and many other companies and developers also contribute to the Linux ecosystem, driving the development of new technologies.

How do you think the Linux ecosystem should evolve to ensure its diversity and healthy growth?



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